Friday, January 18, 2019

January 16th

January 16th, 2019, a historic day for our group (): the first fish are finally swimming in our experimental RAS! One year old brown trout seem to be feeling fine, and we hope that soon the system will be full of different fish and also researchers planning future experiments.

>Egg stripping at Bled hatchery. Fertilized eggs were transported to our experimental RAS.

> Brane from Bled hatchery counts one year old brown trout to be transported to Rodica.

> Brown trout ready to be transferred into small pool at our RAS.

> First brown trout entering their new home

> Nejc has gently moved fertilized eggs to hatching boxes.
> Well done!

> Aleš and Nejc arranging the eggs into one layer.


  1. Ein spannendes Thema mit einer sehr direkten Bilderstrecke. Die Eier sind ja wirklich wie kleine runde Kugeln, wenn sie entnommen werden. Mich erinnern die Eier an Moleküle von Isobutan oder so ähnlich.

  2. Prof Prem raj Pushpakaran writes -- 2022 marks the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture and let us celebrate the occasion!!!
